Caregiving Collections
It’s tough to figure out how to make things right when you’re in a heated argument with someone, your stubborn…
The first step in effectively addressing emotional eating is recognizing it's happening.
Are you struggling to balance taking care of yourself while ensuring your loved ones are happy and healthy?
Caring for your aging parents can be hard work, but there are also great joys. Remember how lucky you are…
Strategies for navigating the complexities of caring for aging parents with siblings can...
Reminding your father to drink water might not be effective if forgetfulness isn’t the issue. Despite your efforts to stress…
The emotional experiences of my father as he navigated the symptoms of Alzheimer’s were both heart-wrenching and enlightening. The manifestations…
A fall can be scary for the person who falls and their family. It can be mentally and emotionally stressful for both the senior and family caregivers, and it's easy to dismiss the incident's severity or think it was just a one-time occurrence.
Anna Palmer, 74, has learned the hard way in the decades since she was first diagnosed with osteopenia. Conventional wisdom…
In a world full of challenges and uncertainty, a powerful tool can transform lives – gratitude
This article and video aim to help elderly individuals protect themselves from financial scams, especially those involving family members engaged…
How to be Mindful while Taking a Shower Immerse yourself in the sensations of practicing mindfulness. It’s not about slowing…
When your elder hesitates to receive help…
Grandma Margaret, a tough and independent widow, has always done things her way, caring for everyone else all these years.
If you're looking to tackle high blood pressure without relying solely on medication, we have some practical steps and tips backed by research. Remember, always talk with your doctor before making any big changes. Let's dive in!
Sipping my morning coffee, I couldn’t help but reflect on the changes I’ve witnessed in my father, Charles, over the…
Due to increased mobility and life spans, long-distance care has become a reality for many families. Although living far away can be challenging, there are ways to stay connected with your loved ones.
Dementia can cause changes in a person’s behavior and personality. Pain or infections can also contribute to these changes. While…
A Caregiver’s Insight: Navigating Obstacles with a Positive Attitude Facing the challenges of 12 years of caregiving within my…